Courses H to H
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHCSS00097 Individual Support - Ageing Skill Set
- HITsa Training and Employment - CHCSS00098 Individual Support - Disability Skill Set
- HITsa Training and Employment - CPP30321 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
- HITsa Training and Employment - HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
- HITsa Training and Employment - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- HITsa Training and Employment - HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIRRFSA001 Handle Food Safely in a Retail Environment
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT10222 Certificate I in Hospitality
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- HITsa Training and Employment - SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITHFAB023 Bar Operations
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITHFAB025 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITHFAB030 Prepare and Serve Cocktails
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITXFIN007 Process Financial Transactions
- HITsa Training and Employment - SITXFSA005 Hygiene Practices
- HLT20113 - Certificate II in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- HLT21020 - Certificate II in Medical Service First Response
- HLT23221 - Certificate II in Health Support Services
- HLT23221 - Certificate II in Health Support Services (Health Administration)
- HLT30121 - Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- HLT31120 - Certificate III in Non-Emergency Patient Transport
- HLT31220 - Certificate III in Basic Health Care
- HLT33021 - Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
- HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
- HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Assisting in Nursing Work in Acute Care)
- HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (Operating Theatre Technician Specialisation)
- HLT33215 - Certificate III in Health Support Services
- HLT35015 & HLT45015 - Dual Certificate III in Dental Assisting & Certificate IV in Dental Assisting with Oral Health Promotion Specialisation
- HLT35021 - Certificate III in Dental Assisting
- HLT35115 - Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting
- HLT37015 - Certificate III in Sterilisation Services
- HLT37121 - Certificate III in Hospital or Health Services Pharmacy Support
- HLT37215 - Certificate III in Pathology Collection
- HLT37315 - Certificate III in Health Administration
- HLT37415 - Certificate III in Pathology Assistance
- HLT40121 - Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- HLT40221 - Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
- HLT41120 - Certificate IV in Health Care
- HLT42021 - Certificate IV in Massage Therapy
- HLT43021 - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance
- HLT43021 - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Communication and Swallowing Support)
- HLT43021 - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Nutrition and Dietetic Support)
- HLT43021 - Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Focus)
- HLT45021 - Certificate IV in Dental Assisting
- HLT45021 - Certificate IV in Dental Assisting (Dental Radiography)
- HLT46015 - Certificate IV in Population Health
- HLT47015 - Certificate IV in Sterilisation Services
- HLT47121 - Certificate IV in Hospital or Health Services Pharmacy Support
- HLT47321 - Certificate IV in Health Administration
- HLT47515 - Certificate IV in Operating Theatre Technical Support
- HLT47715 - Certificate IV in Medical Practice Assisting
- HLT47815 - Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing
- HLT50113 - Diploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
- HLT50213 - Diploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
- HLT50221 - Diploma of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Management
- HLT50321 - Diploma of Clinical Coding
- HLT51020 - Diploma of Emergency Health Care
- HLT52021 - Diploma of Remedial Massage
- HLT52215 - Diploma of Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies
- HLT52315 - Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy
- HLT52515 - Diploma of Reflexology
- HLT52615 - Diploma of Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultation
- HLT54121 - Diploma of Nursing
- HLT55118 - Diploma of Dental Technology
- HLT57415 - Diploma of Audiometry
- HLT57715 - Diploma of Practice Management
- HLT57921 - Diploma of Anaesthetic Technology and Practice
- HLT62615 - Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Acute care)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Aged Care and Individual Support Work)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Community and Primary Health)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Critical Care)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Mental Health)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Perioperative)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Renal Care)
- HLT64121 - Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Rural and Remote)
- HLT65015 - Advanced Diploma of Dental Prosthetics
- HLTADM010 - Facilitate a Coordinated Approach to Client Care
- HLTAHA030 - Assist with Basic Foot Care
- HLTAID003 - Provide First Aid
- HLTAID006 - Advanced First Aid
- HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- HLTAID010 - Provide Basic Emergency Life Support
- HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
- HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting
- HLTAID013 - Provide First Aid in Remote or Isolated Site
- HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid
- HLTAID015 - Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy
- HLTAID016 - Manage First Aid Services and Resources
- HLTCAR001 - Perform Electrocardiography (ECG)
- HLTCCD004 - Interpret Clinical Documentation Using Knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology
- HLTENN040 - Administer and Monitor Medicines and Intravenous Therapy
- HLTFSE001 - Follow Basic Food Safety Practices
- HLTFSE007 - Oversee the Day-to-Day Implementation of Food Safety in the Workplace
- HLTHPS004 - Measure Spirometry
- HLTHPS006 - Assist clients with medication
- HLTHPS007 - Administer and Monitor Medications
- HLTHPS009 - Perform Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation
- HLTHPS010 - Interpret and Use Information About Nutrition and Diet
- HLTINF005 - Maintain Infection Prevention for Skin Penetration Treatments
- HLTINF006 - Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
- HLTINFCOV001 - Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
- HLTMSG005 - Provide Remedial Massage Treatments
- HLTPAT001 - Identify and respond to clinical risks in pathology collection
- HLTPAT002 - Perform Venous Blood Collections
- HLTPAT005 - Collect Specimens for Drugs of Abuse Testing
- HLTSS00059 - Venous Blood Collection Skill Set
- HLTSS00061 - Food Safety Supervision Skill Set - For Community Services and Health Industries
- HLTSS00065 - Infection control Skill Set (Retail)
- HLTSS00066 - Infection control Skill Set (Food Handling)
- HLTSS00067 - Infection control Skill Set (Transport and Logistics)
- HLTSS00068 - Occupational First Aid Skill Set
- HLTSS00072 - Dental Radiography Skill Set
- HLTSS00083 - Infection Prevention and Control Skill Set
- HLTWHS001 - Participate in Workplace Health and Safety
- HLTWHS003 - Maintain Work Health and Safety
- HLTWHS005 - Conduct Manual Tasks Safely
- HLTWHS006 - Manage Personal Stressors In The Work Environment
- Holborne Institute - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Holborne Institute - BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
- Holborne Institute - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Holborne Institute - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Holborne Institute - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Hopkins International College - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma Of Management (Learning)
- Hopkins International College - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Hopkins International College - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Hopkins International College - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Hopkins International College - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Hopkins International College - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Hopkins International College - SIT50422 Diploma in Hospitality Management
- Horizon Training Institute - CPC40110 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
- Horizon Training Institute - CPC50210 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
- Horizon Training Institute - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Horizon Training Institute - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Horizon Training Institute - SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Horizon2 - CHC24015 Certificate II in Active Volunteering
- Horizon2 - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Horizon2 - CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services
- Horizon2 - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
- Horizon2 - CHC34015 Certificate III in Active Volunteering
- Horizon2 - CHC40321 Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
- Horizon2 - CHC40421 Certificate IV in Youth Work
- Horizon2 - CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services
- Horizon2 - CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
- Horizon2 - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support
- Horizon2 - CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work
- Horizon2 - CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
- Horizon2 - CHC50321 Diploma of Child, Youth and Family Intervention
- Horizon2 - CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services
- Horizon2 - CHC62015 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00082 Lead and Mentor
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00124 Disability Work – Behaviour Support Skill Set
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00128 High Support and Complex Care – Disability Skill Set
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00130 Individual Support – Disability Skill Set
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00133 Induction to Disability
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00140 Case Management Skill Set
- Horizon2 - CHCSS00141 Child Protection (Skill Set)
- Hospitality Institute of NSW - SITHFAB021 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
- Hospitality Institute of NSW - SITHGAM022 Provide Responsible Gambling Services
- Hospitality Institute of NSW - SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set
- Hospitality Training Academy - BSB50120 Diploma of Business
- Hospitality Training Academy - BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
- Hospitality Training Academy - BSB80320 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT31021 Certificate III in Patisserie
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT40521 Certificate IV in Kitchen Management
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT40721 Certificate IV in Patisserie
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Hospitality Training Academy - SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
- Housing Industry Association - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- Housing Industry Association - CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
- Housing Industry Association - CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Contract Administrator)
- Housing Industry Association - CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Estimator)
- Housing Industry Association - CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
- HPA Training - CPCCLDG3001 Licence to Perform Dogging
- HPA Training - CPCCLHS3001 Licence To Operate A Personnel And Materials Hoist
- HPA Training - CPCCLRG3001 Licence to Perform Rigging Basic Level
- HPA Training - CPCCLRG3002 Licence to perform rigging intermediate level
- HPA Training - CPCCLRG4001 Licence to perform rigging advanced level
- HPA Training - CPCCLSF2001 Licence To Erect, Alter and Dismantle Scaffolding Basic Level
- HPA Training - CPCCLSF3001 Licence To Erect, Alter And Dismantle Scaffolding Intermediate Level
- HPA Training - CPCCLSF4001 Licence To Erect, Alter And Dismantle Scaffolding Advanced Level
- HPA Training - CPCCLTC4001 Licence To Operate A Tower Crane
- HPA Training - RIIWHS205E Control Traffic With Stop-Slow Bat
- HPA Training - TLILIC0003 Licence to Operate a Forklift Truck
- HPA Training - TLILIC0005 Licence To Operate A Boom-Type Elevating Work Platform (Boom Length 11 Metres Or More)
- HPA Training - TLILIC0018 Licence To Operate A Non-Slewing Mobile Crane (Greater Than 3 Tonnes Capacity)
- HPA Training - TLILIC0020 Licence to Operate a Slewing Mobile Crane (over 100 tonnes)
- HPA Training - TLILIC0021 Licence To Operate A Slewing Mobile Crane (Up To 100 Tonnes)